The First Step (Runs 1 to 10)
As January 2022 dawned, I, l ike many others, vowed to become a shiny, fitter version of myself and wondered how best to go about it. Frankly, this hasn't always worked out in the past with my plans usually evaporating by the time I have finished the kid's selection boxes. So why should this year be any different??? As luck would have it, within a week an item appeared on the news about a Glaswegian teacher, Michael Shanks , who had run every street in the city since the first lockdown. He in turn had been inspired by Rickey Gates , an ult ra-runner from San Francisco, who came up with the concept of running 'Every Single Street' in 2018. Should I take up the torch for Dumfries? To be honest, I wasn't convinced. Dumfries is not a sprawling metropolis like San Francisco - not even close. And yet something about the idea appealed. A fter some Googling, I found a community of runners doing the 'EveryStreet' challenge all around the world, from Irvine to Ade...